Transformation Is More Than Simply Black & White
“TFM Magazine deals with updates around BEE and transformation. It is precise so that even a person who is not clued up on Transformation can understand it.”
Mokgadi Rameetse
Accreditation Manager, BEE SANAS“I would associate the following with TFM Magazine: 1) Complex concepts are broken down and simplified. 2) Relevant content. 3) Practical advice. 4) On the ground issues tackled. TFM Magazine is at the ‘coal face’ of the real issues associated with B-BBEE and transformation.”
Saul Symanowitz
Managing Director, Sage BEE123“The only source for current technical and relevant information and commentary in the B-BEEE market”
Jenni Lawrence
Managing Director“TFM is the market leader in the transformation industry in South Africa providing relevant insights and detailed analysis of transformation issues which affect South African businesses. TFM breaks down complicated aspects of the B-BEEE Act to demonstrate how it directly impacts organisation in South Africa. With this knowledge South African organisations can contribute to transformation while complying with the South African legislation.”
Avesh Padayachee
CEO Fibon Energy“I have read every issue of TFM Magazine since its launch in 2013. Each issue forms a new measurement benchmark for the publication. The factual and relevant content is a great resource for my Transformation team and me, which helps us communicate and drive our internal strategy.”
Esther Seabi
Transformation Director, Fuchs South Africa“Working with you, Stella, and your excellent team of professionals over the past year has been a great pleasure and privilege. TFM Magazine is a positive and inspirational influence on the business world on the subject of Transformation, especially in terms of best practice and thought leadership. In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt word of gratitude to you and the entire TFM publishing team for the excellent articles, which have enhanced my knowledge of Transformation and B-BBEE so immensely.”
Jimmy Morakile
Group Transformation Officer, Business Connexion“Today, transformation is not a compliance requirement, but a commitment. TFM Magazine is the home of transformation-driven business partners, where like-minded people committed to transformation work together and share their journey and experiences. To me, TFM Magazine is the ‘Well of Transformation Knowledge’ where business partners gather to drink.”
Nelia Sekabe
Novo NordiskSince the distribution of its maiden issue in 2013, the core objective of TFM Magazine has been to produce content that addresses the practical day-to-day aspects of understanding and implementing B-BBEE. By promoting the holistic benefits of transformation, TFM Magazine’s vision is to shift B-BBEE from being a pre-requisite mandate to an intrinsic part of every organisation’s DNA.
TFM Magazine is the first specialist, industry-specific, business-to-business publication focusing on the Amended and Sector Codes of Good Practice. Content aligns with the expectations of all Codes, legislative Acts, the Regulations thereof, as well as peripheral compliance, that support the founding principles of B-BBEE.
Each issue, published quarterly, provides insightful comment with in-depth and relevant analysis of developments relating to trends in B-BBEE compliance and legislation. It further unpacks the ever-changing and complex elements of B-BBEE in ‘Layman’s terms’. Focus is placed on credible Socio- Economic Development, Enterprise and Supplier Development, as well as Skills Development initiatives based on their good governance principles and sustainability. Vital to each issue is providing the tools for organisations to integrate persons with disabilities into their workforce.
TFM Magazine is produced with the support of in-the-field thought leaders, committed to meaningful transformation. Their daily interaction in the B-BBEE arena provides our readers with credible interpretations of the technical requirements, as well as unique insight into navigating, communicating and implementing a B-BBEE Strategy in line with best practice.
As a practical tool, TFM Magazine is regularly disseminated at internal B-BBEE workshops and used as a point of reference by those mandated to drive transformation. The broader business community has embraced TFM Magazine and has acknowledged that it communicates accurate and relevant information that aligns with best practice.